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Membership in CNAL is restricted to individuals who have been recognized by a significant segment of the church, including peer-level apostles, as having the gift of apostle and who have been ministering through this gift for a period of time.

Membership is attained only through the following process:

An invitation to join CNAL requires a nomination to be made and seconded by any two active CNAL members. Under extenuating circumstances where two nominators are not available, an explanation as to why there is no second nominee is weighed in the decision-making process. Nomination forms are available to CNAL apostles on the website,, or through the CNAL office.

Nominations by the two active members are then processed through the CNAL office and the Convening Apostle. Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis as to whether official invitations will be extended.

When the invitation is accepted by the individual nominee, a membership application and related documents will be sent to the nominated apostle. This involves the nominee submitting a written application form as well as the payment of membership dues. The applicant is required to provide the contact information for a person who knows about the nominee’s ministry and to whom the applicant is accountable. CNAL will secure that person’s consent during the application approval process.

After the application is approved, the new CNAL apostle will be sent: a membership certificate suitable for framing, a unique password for access to the Members – Resources section of the website, and other relevant items and documents.


Annual Membership Fee

Membership fee is: =N=50,000.00

Fees may be paid in two instalments by cheque or cash.

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